Thursday, April 4, 2013


We woke up on Easter morning and we had our heater fixed. We took some family pictures and Emily hunted for our hard boiled eggs. Then we went to church after we got home to church and the kids napped. We some plastic eggs in the backyard for Em. She had a blast.
P.S. Thank you Aunt Jeanine for the dress that has fit two years in a row.

Family Pictures with Big Max
Yay for Pictures

oo.. where are the eggs

Found One!

Are we done yet?

It is cold out here. Check out my blanket Grandma B

Before Easter Fun

The day before Easter we were Egged by someone in our Ward. It was amazing it was not the bad egging, but they hid candy eggs around in our front yard. So that morning I sent Emily outside and she hunted for eggs. So that whole day whenever we went outside she assumed that she was going to go find eggs :).

When Jason got home for class we dyed some eggs. Which was fun. Emily loved Red so by the end they were all red.
Bored Waiting for Dad

Dad that is not how that is done

use this tool

Max's egg

emily loving red

One was red

now three are red

Jason trying to make the perfect egg