Monday, April 20, 2020

Crazy month we have had. Easter and general conference were nice. We arenatill home schooling and Cora is getting bigger. Holly is pretty much potty trained. Just trying not to go stir crazy.
Easter picture

Art class symmetrical drawing

Holly wanted to help
Twin day

Cora is smiling

Playing outside
Painted rocks for art

Found Easter eggs

Saturday, April 4, 2020

We are surviving our quarantine. The hardest part is home schooling. We have keep busy with walks and runs. Of course We play outside too in the water table. My kids like to tell me that they would rather be in school. We also tried to camp in the back yard but ended up inside because of a thunderstorm. To supplement I tried to give Emily a face mask and we have hit up some nature trails for a change of pace.

Football stud

Playing with rocks

Water table

Art class by Emily

Baby Cora 1 month


Face mask she hated it

Calvin says this is how we eat at others houses

Set up the tent

Duck creek found 2 rocks but left them