Sunday, September 22, 2013

Kids are weird

I have some cute kids and they love their tepee grandma made them. They play in the teppee for hours laughing and giggling I love it. Yesterday while Jason was out doinga  service project Max, Emily and I went to the library. Which was a blast, we made some new friends and Emily was able to lay some kids her own age. Max is walking more and more especially at the library. When Jason came from the service project we went for  a walk...all and all all is well at the Browns. In other news things I learned about my children this past week. 1. addiction to mini wheat cereal 2. love of puzzles 3. Emily loves to laugh at people getting hurt, wonder where she got that from.
Taking care of Baby after church
Taking care of baby
Just back from our walk...Jason was a little annoyed with down pour

She demanded this picture be taken of her hand....afterward she was looks like and me and says look picture wheats

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